Governing Youth Council 2019-2020

Governing Youth Council 2019-2020

Monday, November 19, 2012

Paper Towers and Legislative Powers

Thursday’s district meeting was a blast. In preparation for our annual trip to the capitol, we were educated on how to send a holiday greeting to our legislative representatives to inform them of our trip to see them during the first part of next year.

Once again we split up into four groups for a fun activity. Each group was given a stack of paper with the instructions to build the tallest tower. No other rules or guidelines were set. As a side twist each group had to learn the names of everyone in their group and one person from each group would be tested at the end. After several minutes of tower building it was clear one group had created a sturdy tower reaching from the table to the ceiling. Another group, however, caught onto the excellent design idea but began to build on the floor, gaining a possible few feet in height from group one who started their tower on the table. Group one quickly reassessed the situation and decided to also move their tower to the floor; however, their tower was never the same and quickly fell to the floor only to be reconstructed into a long wall. The second group capitalized on the ingenious design to end the night with the tallest towers. The other two groups provided some outstanding and creative tower designs. The groups also learned each other names quite well.

To end the evening we were honored to have newly elected Representative Ed Redd stop by to help us learn more about talking to representatives and other things about the legislature to help prepare us for our trip to the capitol. We learned more about what the legislature does and also the best way to get in contact with our representative to inform them of important issues in our communities. Representative Redd also shared some advice about life with us, how we can do anything and be anything that we want to be. We are very grateful for his time and for the wisdom he shared with us.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

“Be the Voice”… Anonymously

Back in late summer GYC leadership met to decide on a theme for the year and to construct the activities that GYC will be asked to do throughout the year. “Be the Voice” was selected as the theme; however, we know it is hard to always be a visible voice around friends and classmates. To overcome this barrier and to help us all “Be the Voice” the GYC leadership decided that one of the objectives for the year would be to have each school register for This web page allows someone to report anything going on at their school, like bullying or drug use, without anyone ever finding out who turned in the report. It is a great resource to allow students to “Be the Voice” without having to worry about becoming a target. It is up to each one of us to "Be the Voice" in our schools and communities to bring about positive change.

The Incredible Egg

District Meeting was everything it was “cracked-up” to be in October. To help GYC members get to know each other and learn how to work as a team, an egg drop activity was done. GYC members were split up into four groups, with each group getting the same materials including one egg, with the instructions to make something that will keep the egg from cracking when dropped. We ended up with a few scrambled eggs, but two groups were able to protect the egg.

The highlight of the night came when each GYC member was able to take an Oath of Office. We are grateful to Todd Barson and Keith Larsen for helping out with each Oath of Office.

Run to be Drug Free

On October 13, 2012 GYC members got up early and braved a slight chill in the air to volunteer at the annual Red Ribbon Run sponsored by the Bear River Health Department. The Red Ribbon Run is a great event that raises awareness to be drug free. GYC members helped with the start line, directed runners out on the course, cheered runners on, passed out medals to every runner as they crossed the finish line, and collected signatures for a future tobacco advertising project. GYC was happy to start the year off right by helping out with such a great event.