Governing Youth Council 2019-2020

Governing Youth Council 2019-2020

Monday, December 7, 2015

Apply to be a 2016 Youth Advocate of the Year!

Helping your peers stay tobacco-free has so many benefits! Aside from the obvious ones, here are a few bonus reasons to stand up and speak out against Big Tobacco: scholarships, grants, leadership experience, and a trip to be honored at a gala in Washington, DC!

Here's the link for more info on how to apply to be a 2016 Youth Advocate of the Year:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Meeting Reminder

GYC District Reps - 

                                                                                                                                                      design by Ally :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Awesome October

Thanks to those who helped out at the Red Ribbon Run on October 10th! The race was a success and each of you played a role in that! 

We also had a great time at our GYC District Meeting this month where the 2015-2016 District Reps took the Oath of Office and were sworn in by local leaders and members of the Utah House of Representatives. Watch for more pics coming soon to the GYC facebook page!

Reminder to District Reps & Advisors... Keep checking the sidebar of this blog. Information for the next Step will be posted soon on the sidebar. :)

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Design by Ally :)

Also, check your mailbox and your email. We've been sending information out that way too! 

See you Saturday for the Red Ribbon Run!

Friday, October 2, 2015


  • Please arrive by 8:15 am to receive your assignment. 
  • Meet at the pavilion on the south side of the school (south of parking lot). 
  • Ending time for each Reps responsibilities will depend on the assignment taken on. However, the race and awards ceremony should be completely over by 10:30am. Please arrange transportation accordingly. 
  • SIGN IN and SIGN OUT at the Pavilion. 
  • You will be given a t-shirt to wear for volunteering. 
  • Check the weather and bundle up if needed!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Change of Date for GYC Meeting!

GYC Reps,
Our next District Meeting will be on October 22, 2015. This is a CHANGE OF DATE from what is listed on the schedule you received at the first meeting. Please make the change on your calendars. :)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Red Ribbon Run

Register at

Note to GYC District Reps,
Please arrive that day at 8:15am to prepare for your assignment. In the meantime, encourage your schools and fellow school GYC members to participate in the event. If you would like to download the posters to share, links are on the sidebar.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Reminder: First Meeting of the Year!

GYC Representatives! You know who you are. You do not want to miss our first meeting!

Join us...

Thursday, September 10th, 2015
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Bear River Health Department
655 E 1300 N Logan
Light refreshments will be offered

If you have not already done so, please bring your filled out GYC 2015-2016 Application with a parent/guardian signature on the consent form. Photos for GYC Badges will be taken at the meeting. :)

See you there!

Monday, August 31, 2015


Hi there! This site is under construction. Currently, the links to files and Steps are outdated. Please check back again for updated information. Thank you. :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Not a Replacement!

Today is Kick Butts Day! The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is celebrating 20 years of kicking butts!

What does this mean?

Thousands of youth, teachers, and health advocates will stand out, speak up, and seize control against Big Tobacco.

Watch the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids latest video about how the industry is still seeking "replacements" for the 1,300 Americans its products kill every day.

Join us by sharing your own #NotAReplacement selfie statement following these simple instructions. Add #BearRiverGYC or tell us you're supporting the Bear River Governing Youth Council!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

GYC had a great trip to the Utah State Capital last week! We are fortunate and appreciative that 5 of our Representatives and 1 of our Senators was able to visit the youth and talk about the Legislative session. Thank you to all that helped put this trip together.