Governing Youth Council 2019-2020

Governing Youth Council 2019-2020

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Finish It!

Check out these two videos produced for the truth's "finish it" campaign. The first video introduces the idea behind "finish it," a theme we have adopted for the year. The second video shows how "stars" are the new spokespersons for tobacco without them even knowing it.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ciera White, Guest on "Cross Talk" Radio Show with Jennie Christensen

Ciera White was the guest on today's "Cross Talk" radio show with Jennie Christensen. Ciera discussed e-cigarettes and the proposed FDA regulations being considered. She represented GYC very professionally. If you missed the show, you can view it here on the Apr 28, 2014 podcast. Here is the link:

Monday, April 21, 2014

GYC takes their "stuff" to the streets

GYC finished a wonderful year with an awesome advocacy event. Earlier in the year each school participated in a "stuff cart" activity; to wrap up the year GYC district representatives took the "stuff carts" to the streets of Logan.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

School Board Vote

At our last GYC district meeting, the GYC was able to see the Cache County School Board vote on the changes GYC proposed for the district's drug policy.  GYC wanted the school board to add e-cigarettes to the policy to help protect students from them. The school board added e-cigarettes and language that bans all nicotine products to help cover any new nicotine delivery devices that may come out in future years. Landon, a GYC leadership member, presented the policy to the school board and asked for a vote, while the rest of GYC was in the audience watching the vote. The school board voted to adopt the changes and added e-cigarettes and nicotine devices to their policy.

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Radio

Did you know that your radio dial has an FM and AM setting? If not you may have missed out on two GYC leadership members ruling the air waves. KVNU's "For the People" was gracious in conducting an interview with us about GYC and some of the awesome things we have been doing this year. We were able to educate listeners on e-cigarettes and alcohol. You can check out the interview below or you can go to the KVNU webpage and listen to it there.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

GYC Goes to the School Board

Box Elder GYC representatives present on e-cigarettes at a Box Elder School Board meeting

Box Elder GYC representatives did an awesome job presenting to the Box Elder School Board on e-cigarettes and asking them to add e-cigarettes to their policies. Mount Logan Middle School and Leadership also did an awesome job presenting to the Logan School Board. Cache students will get their opportunity to shine on March 6th.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Capitol Trip

Salt Lake City-GYC spent February 6th at the Utah State Capitol watching the Legislative session and educating our representatives.

Despite a snowy start and a few delays the capitol trip was a huge success. GYC was able to watch the reading of H.B. 40 right as they walked into the House session. While sitting in on the Senate session, several bills were read and voted on.

The highlight of the trip came as GYC met with their representatives. GYC was honored to visit with representatives    Jack Draxler, Ed Redd, Curt Webb, Rhonda Menlove, and Lee Perry. They were able to educate us on the whole legislative process and on some of the bills they are currently working on. In return GYC was able to explain some of the issue they see and educate them a little on e-cigarettes.